Holiday Packaging 2023: What Will Resonate With Consumers & Why Brands Must Start Planning Now

Getting noticed is crucial during retail’s make-it-or-break-it holiday season. Check out the trends bound to stand out on the shelf—and why your brand needs to get started on its holiday packaging now.

Holiday sales are a lifeline for retail brands. As the most profitable sales period across industries, some sectors earn 75% of their annual revenue during this time alone. 

Following the dismal pandemic years, holiday sales helped industries recoup lost profits, with annual revenue growth peaking during Q4 of 2021. While 2022 sales surpassed the previous year, annual growth fell slightly, indicating that inflation was still packing a punch—and casting doubts over consumer spending confidence

So what does this have to do with holiday packaging? Surprisingly, a lot. As retail gears up for its big moment, businesses need to appeal to the current buyer mindset. 

Packaging is the best way to do this: 72% of US consumers claim that packaging design influences their purchasing decision. This figure rises to 81% for gifting. Needless to say, resonating with your customers through packaging is a crucial factor for success.

Here’s a guide to the holiday packaging trends set to grab shoppers’ attention, plus a useful timeline for making sure you are ready to go in time for the ‘23 holiday season.

2023 Holiday Packaging Trends: Drivers & Examples

Design concepts are rooted far deeper than what looks good at the moment. They are created from the why, not the what. Crafting holiday packaging on current trends won’t tap into the buyer psyche unless you understand the underlying reason why a certain aesthetic resonates so well.

We break down the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ set to dominate holiday packaging in 2023.

#1. Non-conformity

You heard it from us first: this year it’s beginning to look a lot unlike Christmas. In the past we’ve seen glimpses of more contemporary versions of festivity through alternative palettes, silhouettes and materials—and this year will be no different.

But in 2023, untraditional design concepts will stem not from a new take on holiday aesthetic, but rather, from a fundamental shift in what the holidays themselves represent. So why now? 

Ruth Kelly, trend editor at TrendBible explains: "Against a backdrop of global unrest and financial crisis, celebration offers the respite so desperately needed in 2024. An escapist desire dominates, but is coupled with a search for authenticity. This drives a fresh and honest take on who we are, what we want to celebrate and how." 

Where tradition, family, and consumerism once dominated, authenticity, identity, and self-care are starting to form the foundation upon which brands are taking stylistic direction for the holidays. 

How it’s showing up in holiday packaging

  • Tropical/floral themes

  • Black is the new black

Compartes Chocolates rides the escapist wave with its 2023 Garden Chocolate Tasting Calendar. The 12 Days of 111Skin advent calendar proves that black is back and packaging can be low key, chic, and festive all at once

#2. Craftsmanship

People have always liked nice things. What’s changing however, is what we consider ‘nice’. Throughout the past few decades, it’s had a lot to do with brand names and logos. Yet consumers today are looking beyond labels, and in some cases, even avoiding them in their pursuit for status and quality.

This phenomenon is the result of several factors. First, brands became accessible to more people and lost much of the status they once indicated. 

Secondly, post-pandemic woes like supply-chain issues, shortages, and inflation have led to shrinking brand loyalty and caused more consumers to experiment. 

Thirdly, as shoppers become more eco-aware, many are opting to buy better, but less. 

Finally, despite a drop in consumer spending power, standards of appearance and image have never been higher. People today need to look as if they are making it now more than ever.                                                                       

Translation: packaging should look polished and well-done, not depend heavily on branded design elements, and prioritise low-key quality over attention-grabbing gaudiness. 

How it’s showing up in holiday packaging

  • Limited quantities

  • Textured secondary packaging

  • Durable materials

#3. Sustainability

Hardly a trend anymore, sustainable packaging has become an expected standard rather than a bonus feature. What’s changed are the eco-friendly efforts that actually resonate with consumers—who have become savvy to inflated claims and greenwashing.

But sustainability in 2023 means more than protecting the earth. Seen as countering the excesses of consumerism and wastefulness, going green is just as much a political statement as it is environmental. And in an era where social correctness is paramount, making eco-friendly choices has become as much of a status symbol as brand names once were.

What’s more, despite a decrease in consumer spending power, research shows that shoppers are more willing than ever to pay more for sustainable products and packaging. At the same time, image matters just as much as substance—if not more—effectively putting an end to the days where eco-friendly meant burlap and twine packaging.

Rather, this holiday season, brands will be tasked with coming up with creative ways to make their sustainable packaging equal parts impactful as it is beautiful. 

How it’s showing up in holiday packaging

  • Natural materials

  • Multi-purpose designs

Multi-purpose packaging can sway consumers by upping the value and novelty factor in a gift. REDBREAST Irish whiskey and HUSH & HUSH Beauty do just that with these gorgeous gift items. Because who never wanted a bird feeder with their whiskey?

When Should Your Brand Start Planning Its Holiday Packaging?

Getting into the holiday spirit during summer is a bit of a challenge. Yet smart brands know that this is the time to brainstorm, test, and finalise their holiday packaging designs. 

Most packaging suppliers recommend submitting your final design plans 6 weeks in advance under normal circumstances. However, due to the increased demand during the holiday season, ordering even further in advance prevents any shortages during the peak shopping period. Here’s a rough timeline to go by:

Finalise holiday packaging design: Late August – early September

Place holiday packaging orders: Early – mid September 

Get holiday products on retail shelves: Late October – early November

Remember that by the time suppliers receive your order, common packaging components will take anywhere from 1 to nearly 4 weeks to be produced. 

Stickers/labels: 10 days

Floor displays: 15 days

Corrugated boxes: 20 – 25 days

Folding boxes: 20 – 25 days

Paper/reusable bags: 25 – 35 days

Tin boxes: 30 – 35 days

3 Rules For Successful Holiday Packaging Any Brand Can Follow

The aesthetics may change from year to year, but there are a few guidelines for holiday packaging that should be considered commandments every season. 

You can never be prepared too early

Black Friday and Panic Saturday will always bring in huge revenue for retailers. But more and more consumers are doing a majority of their holiday shopping earlier. In fact, the latest data show…start buying gifts as early as October in an effort to avoid the crowds.

Because most print jobs come with a glitch or two (as most business owners can attest to) it pays to start planning your holiday packaging early to avoid missing any shoppers. Ideally, that means aiming to have yours in order a good 2 weeks before you actually plan on getting them out on the shelves. 

Keep an eye on your quantities

Ordering packaging for the holidays can be even more daunting than designing it for small brands. Do you risk over-ordering in an effort to meet minimum quantity print requirements? Or do you gamble running out of supplies by aiming to avoid surplus?

Digital printing paired with a flexible packaging partner is an easy solution to a common dilemma. This method has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, putting it close to matching the capabilities of off-set printing minus the costly and time consuming setup. 

It has also let packaging providers offer printing services without a minimum quantity requirement, allowing small businesses to order just what they’ll need, while also making test runs a much easier, cost-effective process.

Think for the long term 

Keeping up with the trends is imperative. But consumers are thinking about longevity in terms of both durability and aesthetics, especially when it comes to gift giving. 

Is what they see on the shelf something the receiver is likely to cherish beyond the holiday season? Is it something which could be made use of year-round, rather than looking as if it would only be appropriate for the holidays? 

In an era where image and sustainability go hand in hand, brands need to consider whether the packaging of their products could be used alternatively well after the festivities have ended. 

CoLab wants your brand to stand out for the holidays

You shouldn’t have to choose between quality, value, and sustainability. We provide customised packaging solutions that get your products noticed—without breaking your budget.

Award-winning design

Our experienced creative team knows which details matter when it comes to standing out on the shelf. We apply award-winning design to help small brands like yours make a big impact on the Irish market. 

No minimum quantities

We make placing that final packaging order feel liberating—not stressful. Why? Because you’ll only pay for what you need. And to sweeten the deal, our HP Indigo 200K Digital Press produces multiple designs in a single run using the highest quality digital printing technology. 

Sustainable options that sell

You should expect the same transparency from your packaging provider that customers expect from your brand. We make the latest sustainable materials and production methods available to you, while being honest about which ones will impact sales—and which can be left behind. 

Ready to launch holiday packaging that ramps up revenue? 

Let’s talk!

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